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How to manage Blubil for company or the work group.

1. Create group and add who controls expenses and receipts in the company and departments of the company, and to set for them the rights of the administrator.

2. Chiefs of departments, accountants, managers will be able to add to the group other employees, or you can make it personally.

3. It is possible to set the rights at each user so that he could control the expenses only of certain users.

4. The administrator can add users and to set him the rights, however the hierarchy remains and the administrator of the administrator will be able to control also again added users. Employees are protected from mistakes of administrators and edition of their operations. Operation which was performed with participation of two users is impossible to remove or edit without notice both users and a confirmation of at least both users or one user and the administrator or two administrators. Anyway remote operation remains in the history and all details are available in notices.

5. Let's start creating operations

6. It is possible to specify the payee, and in this case one employee will transfer money to other employee. If the recipient isn't specified, it is a usual expense and balance of the user will change for the amount of operation.

7. The balance of the user indicates having or absence of the accountable allowance. If balance positive, the employee has accountable alowance which he should return to the company if doesn't spend them in interests of the company for representation purposes, during business trip or for any other expenses connected with work. If the balance negative, it means that the company has to pay to the employee reimbursement at a rate of his negative balance as the employee spent personal money.

8. Employees receive accountable allowance, not only from the other employees and the chiefs, but also from cash desk of the company or non-cash transfer to their bank account. For creating same operation, the creator of operation doesn't specify the payer, but specifies the payee. In this case, balance of founder of operation will not change, balance of payer will increase by the amount which was transferred by the company or which he received as reimbursement in accounts department.

9. In case when employe receive cash from customers or from other sources, in this case he creates operation about income where he is a payee and he doesn't specify the payer as money arrived not from other employee of the company, but from the customer of the company. Its balance increases by the amount of operation and he has accountable money which it can spend in interests of the company or return not used money in accounts department or to other staff of the company, for example, to the chief.

How to use Blubil for the accounting of family or personal expenses.

1. When using Blubil in the companies, negative balance of user have sense and shows the amount which the employee spent in interests of the company and in this size he has to receive reimbursement from the company to close his negative balance.

2. In personal and family expenses the negative balance has no sense as it is impossible to recieve reimbursement from somebody for your personal expenses. This only difference in the accounting of corporate and family or personal expenses. The principle of creation of operation about expenses and receipts, and also about transfer of money between family members each other is the same at creation of operation for work-related expenses and transfers of money between employees.

3. In family group there can be several family members, their balances shows money which they have. Each of family members can create operations about receipts and expenses and operation for transfer of money each other. Settings allow to set the rights to parents to see balance and expenses of children, but for children will be impossible to see expenses and income of parents. Also it is possible to make settings so that adult family members didn't see expenses and balance of each other, but could see expenses of children.